ICT Zone attended an event hosted by Strategic Partner, Starza Corporation in Collaboration with HP at Zenith, Putrajaya.

ICT Zone is proud To Have Been A Part Of The Starza’s Technology Innovation Event at Zenith Putrajaya.

ICT Zone was honored to attend an event hosted by our strategic partner, Starza Corporation in collaboration with HP and Intel on 21st September 2023, where our DaaS Specialist, Ms. Farah Ayuna (Yuna Farah) , shared her insights on HP Proactive Insight as a speaker. 

Thank you, Starza, for this remarkable partnership and opportunity! 

#ICTZone #ICTZoneStrategicPartner #StarzaCorporation #TechnologyInnovationEvent #TerokaiProduktivitiYangLebihTinggi #HPDaaS #DaaS #DaaS360

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