With our home-grown ICT Equipment Leasing and Rental business, we revolved into Technology Financing (Techfin). We are fully aware of our position in the Malaysian ICT Financing market needs and further introduce the Islamic leasing concept through our i-leasing products.
ICT Zone Ventures Bhd (“ICTZV”) had received approval from Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (“SSM”) on 28th March 2011 to establish, manage and operate the first ICT interest scheme – ICT Zone Ventures Scheme, i.e. a corporate fund raising exercise to support our fast expanding ICT equipment rental, leasing and technology financing business.
ICTZV Interest Scheme has also been recognized as Shariah Compliance Investment by Islamic Banking and Finance Institute of Malaysia (IBFIM) on 7th October 2012, which makes ICTZV the first Interest Scheme operator in Malaysia that compliant with Shariah law. Furthermore, IBFIM is also appointed as ICTZV’s Shariah Advisor to ensure ICTZV Interest Scheme compliant with Shariah law at all times. Since then, ICTZV Interest Scheme is known as Mudharabah Al-Mua’ddat Investment to the public.
In addition, on October 2014, ICTZV achieved another great milestone in the business. It had successfully received approval from Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) to manage and operate the Second Shariah-compliant ICT interest scheme – ICTZV Scheme 2 Mudharabah Al-Mua’ddat Investment.
As of year 2020, we celebrate the completion of our interest schemes as its objective had been successfully accomplished