Datuk Seri Ng Thien Phing
Non-Independent Non-Executive Chairman
Datuk Seri Ng Thien Phing, a Malaysian aged 49, is our substantial shareholder and Non-Independent Non-Executive Chairman. He was appointed to our Board as Non-Independent Non-Executive Chairman on 28 January 2019.
He completed his Diploma in Accountancy from Politeknik Kota Bharu, Kelantan in June 1997. He also graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in October 2004.
After completing his Diploma, he joined Strategic Forum Expertise Sdn Bhd (“Strategic Forum”) as Conference Producer in July 1997. During his tenure there, he assisted in conducting market research as well as organised and planned business conferences and events.
With the experience that he has obtained during his time in Strategic Forum, in June 1999, DS Ng founded NTP World Forum Sdn Bhd, a company that is currently involved in the provision of corporate training programmes.
Subsequently, he co-founded ICT Zone Holding Sdn Bhd (formerly known as NTP World Marketing Sdn Bhd) with Lim Kok Kwang and ICT Zone Sdn Bhd in September 2000 and September 2001, respectively. He is currently an indirect controlling shareholder of our Group via his interests in ICT Zone Holding Sdn Bhd.
In November 2006, he founded SkyWorld Development Berhad (formerly known as NTP World Development Sdn Bhd) (“SkyWorld”) and subsequently ventured into the property development industry. SkyWorld is listed on the Main Market of Bursa Securities. He is the controlling shareholder and Non-Independent Executive Chairman of SkyWorld.
He is also the founder of the Malaysia Chinese Assembly Hall (“MCAH”) and the NTP World Foundation (a non-profit organisation incorporated under the Trustees (Incorporation) Act 1952) which was established in October 2003 and December 2012 respectively. He currently serves on the board of trustees of NTP World Foundation. He served as the Secretary General of MCAH from October 2003 to January 2015 and he was appointed as the Honorary Adviser of MCAH from 2021 to 2024. He was also appointed as the Chairman of the National Polytechnic Youth Association in October 1999, a position he currently holds. In addition, he is also the co-founder and director of SkyWorld Foundation which was established in May 2023 to serve as a platform for SkyWorld group’s corporate social responsibility initiatives. The foundation aims to provide aid and improve the welfare of communities. He has no family relationship with any Director and/or major shareholders of the Company. He has no family relationship with any Director and/or major shareholders of the Company.
He does not have any conflict of interest with the Group. He has not been convicted of any offences within the past 5 years other than traffic offences, if any, and there is no sanction or penalty imposed on him by the relevant regulatory bodies during the Company’s financial year ended 31 January 2024.